The world


Books with remoulade / Halla Mia / 2014 / 32 minutes


A Tibetan New Year / Jon Jerstad / 1987 / 44 minutes
Aftershocks - Rough Guide to Democracy / Rakesh Sharma / 2002 / 1 hour and 4 minutes
Algorithms / Ian McDonald / 2012 / 1 hour and 36 minutes
Chenchus - Children of the Forest / Mohan Sathya / 2003 / 23 minutes
Drokpa: Grazing on the Border, The Yak Herders of North Sikkim / Phurba Tshering Bhutia, Dawa Tshering Lepcha, Anna Balikci Denjongpa / 2017 / 1 hour, 11 minutes and 5 seconds
Furriadoxus / Michele Mossa, Michele Trentini / 2006 / 32 minutes
Himself He cooks / Valerie Berteau, Phillipe Witjes / 2011 / 1 hour and 4 minutes
July Boys / Gautam Sonti / 2006 / 30 minutes
Kahankar Ahankar. Story Maker : Story Taker / Anjali Monteiro, K.P. Jayasankar / 1995 / 38 minutes
Kusum / Jouko Aaltonen / 2000 / 1 hour and 9 minutes
Living a reel life / Siren Hope / 2003 / 37 minutes
Photo Wallahs / David MacDougall, Judith MacDougall / 1991 / 1 hour
Ravi and Bhajay / Rachel Webster / 2002 / 26 minutes
The Bond - Naata / K.P. Jayasankar, Anjali Monteiro / 2003 / 45 minutes
The Golden Beach / Hasse Wester / 2009 / 58 minutes
The Professional Foreigner / Manfred Krüger, Rolf Husman / 2009 / 1 hour
Under the Palace Wall / David MacDougall / 2014 / 53 minutes


A Trial in East Kalimantan: The Benoaq Dayak Resistance / Sandeep Bhusan Ray / 2000 / 47 minutes
Children of Srikandi / The Children of Srikandi Collective Srikandi / 2012 / 1 hour and 12 minutes
Denok and Gareng / Dwi Sujanti Nugraheni / 2012 / 1 hour and 29 minutes
In the Play of Life / Raharjo Suwandi, Patsy Asch / 1993 / 25 minutes
Lukas´ Moment / Aryo Danusiri / 2005 / 59 minutes
Ngaben: emotion & restrain in a balinese heart / Robert Lemelson / 2012 / 16 minutes
Playing Between Elephants / Aryo Danusiri / 2007 / 1 hour and 29 minutes
The Goddess and the Computer / J. Stephen Lansing, André Singer / 1988 / 58 minutes
The Healing of Bali / John Darling / 2003 / 52 minutes
The Sakuddei / John Sheppard / 1974 / 53 minutes
Warak Keruron: Healing the mothers of lost souls / Erminia Colucci / 2023 / 27 minutes and 1 second


Infidels / Bahman Kiarostami / 2004 / 40 minutes
Karb / Mahdi Moniri / 2002 / 19 minutes
Oh, Protector of the Gazelle / Parviz Kimiavi / 1970 / 26 minutes
Roya and Omid / Elhum Shakerifar / 2006 / 17 minutes
The Refrain of Locked Lenjs / Mehdi Omidvari / 2006 / 38 minutes
The Songs of the Persian Gulf / Alireza Ghassemkhan / 2013 / 52 minutes


Making Home / Anna Laine / 2013 / 35 minutes
Spread the wings / Alice McDowell / 2019 / 11 minutes and 35 seconds


Al Karamah - Human Dignity / Frode Storaas, Moslih Kanaaneh / 1996 / 41 minutes
Ameer Got His Gun / Naomi Levari / 2011 / 58 minutes
Arabic Movie / Eyal Sagui Bizawie, Sara Tsifroni / 2015 / 1 hour and 2 minutes
Gatekeeper / Ada Ushpiz, Shosh Shlam / 2012 / 1 hour and 34 minutes
Hotline / Silvina Landsmann / 2015 / 1 hour and 39 minutes
Nazareth Cinema Lady / Nurit Jacobs Yinon / 2015 / 52 minutes


Furriadoxus / Michele Mossa, Michele Trentini / 2006 / 32 minutes
Pupus / Miriam Cossu Sparagano Ferraye / 2021 / 33 minutes
She River - Encounters on the Po and its Tributaries / Rossella Schillaci, Giancorrado Barozzi / 2008 / 1 hour and 7 minutes
Surfacing (Flat version) / Rossella Schillaci / 2024 / 20 minutes
The Strong Man of Bureng / Mauro Bucci / 2023 / 1 hour, 15 minutes and 37 seconds
The Taste Of Mountain Grass / Anne Karin Huseby / 2012 / 38 minutes
Vjesh/Canto / Rossella Schillaci / 2007 / 57 minutes

Ivory Coast

Kitani, my son returns from the groves / Marie Lorillard / 2017 / 46 minutes